Monday 25 March 2019

Exciting News About 'Paignton'

GOT back from Bad Wörishofen early yesterday evening to find exciting news about Devon's annual congress: the top section is now a "Fide-norm" tournament.
What this means is that the Ron Bruce Premier will be over nine rounds instead of the usual seven.
To make this work the congress will start a day early, on Saturday August 31, and there will be a double-round day on Sunday September 1.
Otherwise the Ron Bruce will follow the usual format of 2pm starts Monday to Friday, and 9.30am on the final day (Saturday September 7).
There were rumours a few months ago that 'Paignton' - it used to be held at Paignton's Oldway Mansion and is still called Paignton by old hands despite transferring to the Livermead House Hotel on the outskirts of Torquay - was in danger of not being held.
Just as reports of Mark Twain's death were "greatly exaggerated" (actually, he never said this, although he did say something almost as funny), so it seems the Devon congress is in robust good health.
Entry to the nine-round Premier is £50  (£25 for IMs, free for GMs), which compares favourably with most tournaments I attend, particularly when you subtract discounts for being an ECF member at above bronze level (£7.50) and for online entry (£2).


  1. A real game-changer as far as I'm concerned - makes rival tournaments around that time (abroad) less tempting
