Sunday 8 September 2024

Mastering Chess

I HAVE been awarded the Correspondence Chess Master title by the Fide-recognised International Correspondence Chess Federation.
My medal
It came for scoring eight points in the 15-player Peter Gibbs Memorial Section A, where I still have two games remaining.
Naturally I am pleased, but it has been a bizarre tournament, in which I started by blundering a piece on move six in one game.
Since then I have gone +5=6-0, which looks impressive, except three of the wins came on time, and in only one of them was I on top - positionally winning, according to Stockfish16.1 and Dragon1 - when the default occurred.
Still, the medal looks nice on my mantelpiece.


  1. Nice to win a metal on that level.Congrets!

    1. Thanks. I feel a bit of a fraud, but I'm keeping the medal!
