Thursday 3 October 2019

White To Play And Win

FROM tonight's Central London League match between Battersea 2 and Pimlico Knights.
White to make his 43rd move in Spanton (168) - John Mackinnon (176)
I saw 43.e5 was strong but somehow talked myself out of it. After 43.e5, Stockfish10 gives 43...Nxb2 44.Bxb7 Rxa1 45.Rxa1 Bxe5 46.Bd5, when Black has two pawns for the exchange, but is lost because of the weakness of f7. Komodo10 prefers 43...Qe7 (Stockfish10 comes to switch between …Nxb2 and …Qe7) 44.bxc4 Bxe5 45.Qxe5!? (45.Qe2 is also good) Qxe5 46.Rxa6 Qxg5 47.Raxd6, when White has two rooks and a bishop for a queen and two pawns, and that is winning according to both engines.
43...Rxa1 44.Rxa1 Bxa1 45.Qxc4 Qb6
White is only a pawn down but the white king is much weaker than its black counterpart.
46.Bf1 Qe3 47.Qc8+?
The engines give 47.Qd3 Qf4 48.Kg2 Be5 (even stronger than immediately capturing on g5) 49.Be2 Qxg5+, when Black is two pawns ahead. The engines reckon Black is +4.95 (Stockfish10) or +4.27 (Komodo10), but the presence of opposite-coloured bishops means a win is not certain.
47...Kg7 48.Qg4 Qxb3 49.h4 Qe3 50.Bc4?
This looks ridiculous, and is, but for a while it is Stockfish10's first choice! The problem with, say 50.Kg2, is 50...b3 etc.
50...Qc1+ 0-1
My updated Battersea statistics for 2019-20
Event*..Colour...Grade...Opponent's Grade...Result
Overall this season for Battersea I have scored +1=1-1 for a grading performance of 180.
In season 2018-19 I scored +12=12-13 for a grading performance of 169.
In season 2017-18 I scored +10=8-9 for a grading performance of 175.
*CLL: Central London League.

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