Monday, 30 December 2024

Playing Conditions

Before yesterday's third round - all three tournament rooms are similar, with plenty of room back-to-back, and adequate space side-by-side


  1. It looks to me like there's nowhere near enough space between the boards. There's only just enough room for one scoresheet between a lot of them and clearly not enough room if left-handed player is sitting next to a right-handed player and two scoresheets need to fit between the boards.

    1. Up to a point, but it's not a problem if the scoresheet is partially slipped under the board.

    2. How does that work when the right-handed player is sitting to the left of the left-handed player, the right-handed player is still filling in the first column of moves on their scoresheet (so needs the left-hand side visible) and the left-handed player has played more moves and is filling in the second column of moves (so needs the right-hand side visible)?

    3. You don't need to cover up the columns - just slip the top of the scoresheet under the board. Then the scoresheet doesn't have to be beside the board.

  2. It seems good to me.I like the back-to-back space.

    1. Yes, the only time someone touches the back of your chair is if you are playing in the seniors and the guy next to you needs to steady himself when he stands up.

  3. Allright,but still seems better than f.e. Marienbad.
    The space in Bad Herrenalb and Bischofsgrun are excellent but you can,t have it all.

    1. Marienbad used to be quite cramped, but was better this year as they had a second tournament room - hopefully that will be the case next month too.
