PLAYED on board five (of six) for Wessex against Coventry today in Division Three Knights of the Four Nations Chess League.
Spanton (1958 ECF/1946 Fide) - David Ireland (1932 ECF/1872 Fide)
Sicilian Bb5(+)
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Nc6 4.0-0 Bg4!?
This has been played by grandmasters, and is third in popularity in ChessBase's 2025 Mega database, albeit a long way behind 4...Bd7.
5.h3 Bh5 6.d4!?
There are just two examples of this move in Mega25, but it is liked by Stockfish17 and Dragon1, although they also like the main continuation, 6.c3.
6...cxd4 7.g4!?
This may be a novelty. Dušan Popović (2504) - Jakub Roubalik (2343), Prague 2024, went 7.c3!? Nf6!? 8.cxd4 a6 9.Bxc6+ bxc6 10.Nc3, with the upper hand for White, according to the engines (1-0, 42 moves).
7...Bg6 8.Nxd4 Rc8
How should White proceed? |
Probably too loosening. The engines reckon White is at least slightly better after 9.Nc3.
How should Black respond? |
This is best, according to the engines. If 9...Bxe4!? they reckon both 10.Nc3 and 10.c4!? give more than enough compensation for a pawn.
The engines suggest 10.fxe5 or 10.f5.
10...bxc6 11.fxe5 dxe5 12.Nf5 Bxf5?!
The engines much prefer 12...Qxd1 13.Rxd1 Nf6, claiming Black has the upper hand.
13.Qxd8+ Rxd8 14.gxf5
Equalising is 14.exf5!?, according to the engines.
14...Bc5+ 15.Kg2!? h6!?
The engines reckon this is a little slow, recommending 15...Nf6.
16.Kf3 Nf6 17.Be3 Bxe3 18.Kxe3 Nh5 19.Nd2 Ke7 20.Nf3 Kf6!? 21.Rad1 Nf4 22.h4
Probably not 22.Nxe5?! Kxe5 23.Rxd8 Ng2+ 24.Kf2 Rxd8 25.Kxf2 Kxe4, when material is level and, although the engines reckon Black is at best 'only' slightly better, the position looks much easier for Black to play.
22...Ng2+ 23.Kf2 Nf4
How would you assess this late-middlegame? |
Black has a powerfully placed knight, but White has a farside pawn-majority, and the open file is evenly contested. The engines reckon complete equality.
24.Nh2 Ke7 25.Ng4 f6 26.Kf3 Rb8!? 27.b3 Rhd8 28.Rg1 Nh3 29.Rge1 Nf4 30.Ne3 Rxd1!? 31.Rxd1 Rd8?!
The knight-and-pawn ending is difficult for Black. The engines suggest 31...h5, and if 32.Nc4 they reckon 32...Rd8 33.Rxd8 Kxd8 gives Black a better version of the game's knight-and-pawn ending.
32.Rxd8 Kxd8 33.Ng2 Nh3
Not 33...Nxg2? as, after 34.Kxg2, White's three kingside pawns will hold up Black's four, leaving White's 3-2 queenside majority to decide the game.
What should White play? |
The engines' choices fluctuate, but they agree this is not best. Stockfish17 eventually decides 34.a4 and 34.Ne1 are winning, while Dragon 1 reckons 34.b4 wins, but rates its second choice, 34.Ke3, as giving at best the upper hand.
The engines give 34...Ng1+, after which best may be triangulation with 35.Kf2 Nh3+ 36.Kg2 Nh4+ 37.Kf3, and if then 37...Nh3? the position is the same as after 34.Ne3, but with White to move, and 38.Nf1 wins, eg 38...Nf4 39.Ng3 prepares, as in the game, Ne2. Instead the engines suggest 37...h5 or 37...Ke7, but agree White is at least slightly better.
35.Nf1 Ke7 36.Ng3 Kf7 37.b4!?
The immediate 37.Ne2 Nxe2 38.Kxe2 is not so clear after 38...g6.
Much better, according to the engines, is 37...h5. but they give White the upper hand.
38.Ne2 g5
38...Nxe2? 39.Kxe2 leaves White with an easily won pawn-ending.
39.fxg6 Nxg6 40.Kg4 Kf7 41.a4 Ne7 42.Ng3 Ke6 43.c4 a6 44.h5
Not 44.Nf5?? as 44...Nxf5+ 45.exf5+ gives Black a protected passed pawn and a guaranteed draw. Interesting is 44...h5+!? 45.Kxh5 Nxf5 46.exf5+ Kxf5, but again the pawn-ending is completely equal, according to the engines.
This is the engines' top choice, which only shows how desperate Black's position is.
45.b5 axb5 46.axb5 Nc8 47.Nf5 Nb6 48.Ne3 Nc8 49.Nd5 Nd6 50.b6 Kd7 51.Nxf6+ Kc6 52.Ng8 Nxc4 53.Nxh6 Nd6
White to play and win |
The winning plan is to quickly mobilise the h pawn, for example 54.Nf5 Nxe4 55.h7 Nf6+ 56.Kg5 Nh7+ 57.Kg6 Nf8+ 58.Kg7 Ne6+ 59.Kf7 Ng5+ 60.Kg6 Ne6 61.Ne7+ (61.h7? only draws after 61...Nf8+ and 62...Nxh7) Kxb6 62.Kf5 Nf8 63.Ng6 Nh7 64.Nxe5 Kc7 65.Kg6 Nf8+ 66.Kf7 Nh7 67.Kg7 Ng5 68.Nf3!? Ne6+ 69.Kf7 Nd8+ 70.Kf6 etc.
Black to play and draw |
The engines reckon Black had to play 54...c4!, eg 55.Nf5 c3 56.Ne3 Kxb6, or 55.Ng4 Kxb6 56.Nxe5, when the Syzygy endgame tablebase confirms 56...c3! draws, eg 57.h6 c2 58.Nd3 Nf7 etc.
55.Nf5 Nf7
White to play and win |
The engines reckon 56.Kg4! wins, and 56.Ne3!? gives an advantage, but seemingly not enough for the full point.
Black to play and draw |
Three moves draw, according to the engines: 56...c4, 56...Kc6 and 56...Kc7, eg 56...c4 57.Ke3 Kc6 58.h7 Kd7 59.Kd2 c3+!? (not the only move) 60.Kxc3, which is a tablebase draw even if it is White to move.
White to play and win |
Winning is 57.Kg4!, eg 57...c4 58.h7 c3 59.Ne3 Kc5 60.Kf5 Kd4 61.Nc2+ Kd3 62.Nb4+ Kd2 63.Kg6.
57...Ng5 58.Kd3 Kb4 59.Ne3
Black to play and draw |
The engines show both 59...Kb5 and 59...Kf7 draw.
White to play and win |
White may have a slight edge after this, but winning is 60.Ng4!, eg 60...c4+ 61.Ke3! (another only-move, according to the engines) c3 62.Nxe5 c2 63.Nd3 etc, and if 61...Nf7 then 62.h7 c3 63.Nxe5!
60...Nf7 61.h7 Kb4 62.Nd6!? Nh8 63.Kc2 c4 64.Nf5 Ng6 65.Nh4!? Nh8 66.Nf3
Black to play and draw |
Drawing is 66...Kc5, the point being 67.Nxe5 can be answered by 67...Kd4 etc, while 66...Nf7? and 66...Ng6? are met by 67.Nxe5! anyway.
67.Nxe5 Kc5 68.Kxc3 Kd6
White to play and win |
The engines for quite some time reckon this wins, and also for a while like 69.Nf3, but Syzygy shows only 69.Nd3! wins. After 69.Nd3! Black can try the obvious 69...Ke6, but winning is another only-move, 70.e5!, eg 70...Kf5 71.Kd4 Kg6 72.e6! Kf6 73.Nf4 etc.
69...Ke6 70.Ng4 Kf7 71.e5
Black to play and draw |
Two moves draw, 71...Kg7 and 71...Ng6, eg 71...Kg7 72.Nf6 Ng6 73.Kd5 Nxe5!? (other moves also draw) 74.Kxe5 Kh8, when White cannot make progress.
72.Ke4 Ng6 73.Nf6 Nh8 74.Nd5 Nf7 1-0 (Time)
Black is definitely lost in the final position, eg 75.Nf4+ Ke7 76.Ng6+!?, or 75...Kd7 76.e6+.
Wessex won the match 4.5-1.5