White was already much better in Kumar Sumit (2179) - Spanton (1954), but my last move of 25...Nf6-h5? allowed an immediate conclusion |
White played 26.Bxf7!, and I had to resign as 26...Qxf7 is met by 27.Rd8+
I begin this blog after getting back into league chess following many years' absence due to work. My post-job status also means I am able to play more tournament chess. My new club in London is Battersea and my first game for them is on Thursday September 14, 2017. I start with a Fide rating of 1858, an ECF grade of 169 (=1968 elo) and an ICCF correspondence rating of 2267. My current Fide is 1946, my ECF is 1958 and my ICCF is 2320.
White was already much better in Kumar Sumit (2179) - Spanton (1954), but my last move of 25...Nf6-h5? allowed an immediate conclusion |
26 Bxf7 isn't check. Well it's check to the queen!
ReplyDeleteWhoops - you're quite correct. I have replaced the + sign with an !