Monday 21 January 2019

Sunshine Over Mariánské Lázně, Depression Over My Chess Board

SUNSHINE returned to Mariánské Lázně today, coinciding with the day Paul Stokes and I decided to walk the Metternich Trail, nearly all of which goes through heavily shaded pine forest.
But again, although the temperature was low - the high today was forecast to be -4C - there was no snow-fall and virtually no wind-chill.
The trail goes through land once owned by the prominent 19th century diplomat Klemens von Metternich, who was awarded the title prince for his services to the Austrian Empire.
Along the trail are springs, including the prosaically named Peat Bog Spring - later changed to Balbín Spring to honour a local spa doctor.

Paul at the Balbín Spring
My chess today could have done with attentions of a chess doctor.
I was under the cosh for most of the game in round three of the Mariánské Lázně Seniors, but was hanging on until we reached the following position.
Black to make his 42nd move and avoid immediate catastrophe in Milos Kozak (FM2203) - Spanton (1943)
I played 42...Rd8? and almost immediately saw the breakthrough 43.d5! There followed 43...cxd5 44.Bxd5 Rde8 45.c6 Bc8 1-0 (51 moves).
During the game, while waiting for MK to play his winning 43rd move, I wished I had played 42...Rce8? but 43.d5! still works, eg 43...cxd5 44.Bxd5 exd5 45.Rxe7 Rxe7 46.Qh8+ etc.
Best was 42...Ree8, when there is no immediate breakthrough but my analysis engines reckon White's advantage is positionally winning.

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