Monday 25 May 2020

Fundamentals (part 31)

Spanton (2014) - A Seidl (1588)
Liechtenstein 2003
White has just captured on d3 - how would you assess the position?
Black is slightly better.
Don't believe it? Neither do I, but that is the initial verdict of the analysis engine Stockfish10. It quickly changes to equal, and eventually settles on plus-over-minus, ie White has the upper hand. Komodo10 starts off rating the position as equal but comes to slightly prefer White.
Most human players of club standard and above would, I suspect, A) guess the ending is likely to have arisen from the Exchange Variation of the Spanish (it did), B) assess the position as much better, probably winning, for White.
This is the engines' choice.
28.Ke3 c6
The engines suggest 28...Kd6 but that does not seem to be an improvement.
29.f4+ Ke6 30.g4 g6 31.a4 b5 32.b3 f5?!
I believe Black is lost anyway but this makes it too easy for White. The engines suggest 32...Kf7, eg 33.h4 Ke6 34.f5+ gxf5 35.exf5+ Ke5 36.Kf3 h6 37.a5 b4 38.Ke3 Kd6 39.Kf4 etc.
The game finished:
33.exf5+ gxf5 34.gxf5+ Kxf5 35.Kf3 h6 36.h3 h5 37.Ke3 Kf6 38.Ke4 Ke6 39.f5+ Kf7 40.h4 bxa4 41.bxa4 a5 42.Ke5 Ke7 43.f6+ Kf8 44.Kf5 Kf7 45.Kg5 Kf8 46.Kxh5 1-0

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