Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Knight v Bishop (part five)

Black has just captured on f6 in T Ossipov (-) - Spanton (147), Hastings Main A 1990-91. Who stands better, and by how much?
White has a miniscule edge, according to Stockfish12 and Komodo11.01.
The engines reckon best is 24.f4!? to restrict the black king.
And here they prefer the centralising 24...Ke5.
Best, according to the engines, is 25.Ne3, the point being 25...Kf4 can be met by 26.Kf2. Also better than the text is 25.Kf2, although then 25...f5 gives Black a slight edge, according to the engines.
25...Kf4 26.Kf2 hxg4 27.hxg4
The only move to keep Black's advantage, according to the engines. The idea is to create a light-square target for the black pieces. If instead Black advances a queenside pawn, White gets time to activate the knight with 28.Nc3 or 28.Ne3, when White, if anything, is slightly better, according to the engines.
The engines' choice fluctuates between the text and 28.gxf5!? After the latter, 28...Bh5! 29.Ne3 Bxf3 is very good for Black, but not necessarily winning.
28...fxg4 29.fxg4?
But this makes the win easier for Black as the white pawn cannot be defended on g4. However White may well still be lost after 29.Nxg4 Bh5 and 29.Ng2+!? Ke5 (not 29...Kf5? 30.Nh4+).
29...Bf7 30.c4 Be6 31.Nc2 c5 32.b4 cxb4 33.Nxb4 a5 34.Na6 c5?!
This probably wins, but 34...c6 is clearer.
35.Nc7 Bxg4 36.Nd5+?!
A better try is 36.Na8 Bf5 37.Ke2, when Black still has to be careful, eg 37...g5?! 38.Nxb6 g4 39.Nd5+ is not clear. However the engines give 37...Bd7! 38.Nxb6 Bc6, which they reckon is winning.
36...Ke5 37.Ke3
37.Nxb6 Kd4 is hopeless.
This winning move would not be available in the same position but with the knight on a8, which would have arisen after 36.Na8 Ke5? 37.Ke3.
38.Nc3 bxc4 39.dxc4 Be6 1-0

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