Thursday, 28 January 2021

Knight v Bishop (part 14)

Black has just captured on d6 in Spanton (168) - Larry Marden (173), Southern Counties Chess Union U180 2016. Who stands better, and by how much?
This is another ending arising from the Exchange Variation of the Spanish. Black's pawn-structure is fairly typical, but White's queenside has been severely compromised. The analysis engines Stockfish12 and Komodo11.01 reckon Black has the upper hand.
My original notes show I had intended playing 34.a5, after which the engines continue 34...b5 35.Kc1 Be6 36.Nf4 c4 37.Kd2, when Stockfish12 has Black winning but Komodo11.01 gives Black just a slight edge.
34...a5 35.f4 c4 36.Nb2?!
The engines much prefer 36.Nf2, albeit strongly favouring Black.
36...b5 37.Kd2 Kc5
Even better, according to the engines, is 37...g5!?, eg 38.hxg5 fxg5 39.fxg5 Ke5 40.Ke3 Bg6, or 38.g3 gxh4 39.gxh4 bg6 40.Ke3 f5!? 41.e5+ Kd5 42.Kf3 Bf7 43.Ke3 Bh5 and 44...Ke4 etc.
The engines prefer remaining flexible on the kingside, eg 38.Nd1 g5!? 39.g3 Bg6 40.Nf2 gxh4 41.gxh4 Kd6, when they reckon Black has the upper hand but is not (yet) winning.
The engines still very much like pushing the g pawn, eg 38...g5!? 39.hxg5 fxg5 40.fxg5 (40.f5 Kd6 41.Ke3 Ke5 42.Kf3 h5 looks very good for Black) Kd6, after which the white kingside pawns are extremely weak.
This makes it easy, but Black is also winning after 39.Nd1!? Kd6, according to the engines. However it is still a game.
39...fxg5 40.fxg5 hxg5 41.hxg5 Kd6 42.Ke3 Ke5 43.Kf3 Be8 44.Ke3 Bd7 45.Kf3 Be6 46.Ke3 Bg4 0-1
The final position is a particularly horrible zugzwang.

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