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White has just captured on d4 in Olivia Smith (2033) - Spanton (1937), 63rd Hampstead (London) U2200 2018. Who stands better, and by how much? |
White has more space, but the bishop is bad and Black has much the better pawn-majority. Stockfish12 and Komodo11.01 reckon Black is winning.
32...g5 33.Ke3 Kg6 34.Bf1 Nc5 35.fxg5 hxg5 36.h4
This throws away the win. 36...gxh4 and 36...Na4 win easily, as do most reasonable moves.
37.Kf4 Kh5!?
Probably not 37...Na4?! 38.h5+! Kxh5 39.Kxf5.
38.Kxf5 g3?!
The engines reckon Black draws with 38...Kxh4, but their best-play continuation is a long and quite-sharp one, viz 39.Kf6 Kg3 40.Be2! Kf4 41.Bxg4! Kxg4 42.Ke7 Nb7 (other knight moves also draw) 43.Kd7 a4 44.Kc6 Na5+ 45.Kxd6 Nxd4+ 46.Ke7 Nxb2 47.d6 a3 48.d7 a2 49.d8=Q a1=Q 50.Qxb6.
The text may also draw, but is less clear and, in my opinion, sets White fewer problems (although OS goes wrong immediately).
White has to attack, eg 39.Kf6 Kxh4 40.Ke7 Kg4 41.Bg2 Kf4 42.Kxd6 Ke3 43.Bh1!? Kf2 44.Ke5 Kg1 45.Be4 (45.Bf3 Kf2) Nxe4 46.Kxe4 g2 47.d6 Kf1 48.d7 g1=Q 49.d8=Q, when Komodo11.01 reckons White has a slight edge, but Stockfish12 rates the position as dead-equal.
This definitely loses. White again had to attack Black's queenside, starting with 40.Kf5, when Komodo11.01 reckons 40...a4 gives Black the upper hand, but Stockfish12 again rates the position as dead-equal.
40...Na4 41.Kg2
If 41.b3, then 41...Nc5 and 42...Nxb3.
The text is Komodo11.01's choice, but all moves lose.
41...Kg4 42.Be2+ Kf4 43.b3 Nc5 44.Bd1 Ke3 45.Kxg3 Kd2
White loses because the bishop has no targets and her king is out of play.
The game finished:
46.Bg4 Nxb3 47.Bf5 Kc3 48.Kf2 Kxc4 49.Ke1 Kxd5 50.Kd1 Nd4 51.Bd3 Kc5 52.Kc1 Nxb5 53.Kb2 d5 54.Be2 Nd4 55.Bd1 b5 56.Kc3 b4+ 57.Kb2 Nb5 58.Bc2 d4 59.Bd3 Nc3 60.Kb3 a4+ 61.Kb2 Kd5 62.Ka1 Ke5 63.Kb2 Kf4 64.Bg6 Ke3 65.Kc2 Ne4 66.Be8 d3+ 67.Kb2 Nc3 68.Bh5 d2 69.Kc2 d1=Q+ 70.Bxd1 Nxd1 71.Kxd1 Kd3 72.Kc1 Kc3 73.Kb1 Kb3 74.Ka1 Kc2 0-1
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