Thursday, 26 January 2023

Advantage White?

THE next round of matches in the Central London League is due to be played tonight at the league's community-centre venue in Pimlico.
Scheduled are two matches in division one, two in division three and one in division four.
Although division four is played over four boards, the other divisions are five-a-side, which makes winning the toss more important than usual.
But how much more important? Or, to put it another way, should the outcome between two evenly matched teams be 3-2 or 2.5-2.5?
As a ballpark figure, whites on average across large databases score 55%, and blacks score 45%.
So the side winning the toss is expected to score 3 x 55% and 2 x 45%, while the other team is expected to score 2 x 55% and 3 x 45%.
That means the team with white on odd boards is expected to beat equally strong opponents by a score of 2.55-2.45.
In other words, assuming my maths are correct, winning the toss in a five-board match is a lot less important than many of us think.


  1. Your maths is correct. Another way of thinking of it is that 4 boards are even (2-2) so only the 5th is "impacted". Therefore the 55%-45% comes out as 0.55-0.45 on the final board. Agreed on the misplaced importance people throw to it! Conor

    1. Yes, that's a rather simpler way of working it out!
