Saturday, 16 September 2023


MY laptop seems to have given up the ghost, or at least I can get nothing on-screen, which is effectively the same thing as either way it is useless to me.
The screen started breaking up yesterday, and today has gone completely. 
So although I can turn the computer on and off,  I  cannot use it.
This is, to say the least, bad timing, bearing in mind I am many hundreds of miles from home!


  1. Good luck Tim.. I will try and follow your progress

  2. Thanks! I took my laptop into the nearest town this afternoon. Finding a computer repair shop was not easy, so I popped into a bookmaker's, watched some footie and used their wifi, after buying a drink, to find a suitable shop I had to leave my laptop there, and have just received an email saying it is fixed, but the shop shuts before I can get there, so I will hopefully pick it up on Monday.
