Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Sign Of The Times

THE following notice has appeared at the website of the Four Nations Chess League:

4NCL Weekend 2


We have, with great reluctance and after much debate, decided not to proceed with weekend 2 of the 4NCL on 15-16 January. Reasons for the decision include the following:

  1. The difficulty that many teams may have in raising full teams given many players’ likely, and entirely understandable, reluctance to play given prevailing conditions and restrictions;

  2. Uncertainty as to future Omicron trends;

  3. Uncertainty as to HM Government’s future intentions as to whether further, more stringent, regulations/guidelines will be put in place;

  4. The opportunity to postpone/cancel the weekend at all venues without financial penalty (if we delay further, that opportunity will almost certainly reduce/disappear);

  5. The risk of severe financial penalties if a significant number of teams and/or players decide not to play (and/or do not stay overnight), resulting in the bedroom allocations at the various venues not being taken up in full.

We’re currently investigating whether we can postpone the January weekend to a weekend/weekends in June. If we can do that, bedroom bookings already made will be transferred to that weekend (but can of course be cancelled in line with the usual T&Cs). If we can’t do that, bedroom bookings already made will be automatically cancelled.


We also have an option to postpone/cancel weekend 3 on 12-13 February. We won’t be making a decision on that until the New Year, by which time things may (or may not) have clarified somewhat.


If there is a (small) silver lining to a (rather dark) cloud, three of the four divisions being played as Swisses means that we should hopefully still be able to complete the season so long as we can get at least three weekends completed (although norm opportunities may be unavoidably affected).


With very best wishes for Xmas and the New Year from all at the 4NCL, and here’s hoping for better times ahead.


Kind regards,

Mike Truran

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