Wednesday 22 May 2024

Championship Chess

PLAYED in the Battersea club championship last night.

Dmitry Kolobkov (1862) - Spanton (1913)
1.d5 d5 2.c4 Nc6 3.Nc3 e6!?
Other moves are more popular, including 3...Nf6 and especially 3...dxc4.
How should White respond?
The mainline in ChessBase's 2024 Mega database runs 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.Bg5 Be7 6.e3 0-0 7.Bd3, reaching a position occurring 729 times in Mega24. Komodo14.1 gives White a slight edge, but Stockfish16 calls it equal.
4...exd5 5.Bf4 Bd6!? 6.Bg3
Possible is 6.Nxd5!?, but it does not win a pawn, eg 6...Bxf4 7.Nxf4 Qxd4 8.Qxd4 Nxd4 9.Rc1. The engines also point out 6...Be6!?
6...Nf6 7.e3 Bf5 8.Bd3
If 8.Qb3 Black can reply 8...0-0 as both 9.Nxd5?? Nxd5 10.Qxd5 Bb4+ and 9.Qxb7? Nb4 10.Rc1 Rb8 11.Qxa7 Nc2+ are bad for White.
8...Bxd3 9.Qxd3 0-0 10.Nf3 Re8 11.0-0 Bxg3 12.hxg3
How would you assess this middlegame?
It looks like an Exchange Variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined, but one in which all the bishops have been exchanged. Stockfish16 reckons the position is completely even, but Komodo14.1 gives White the better side of equality.
12...Ne4 13.Rfc1
White could try 13.Qb5, although after 13...Rb8 the d5 pawn is more-or-less poisoned, eg 14.Qxd5 (14.Nxd5?? a6)  Nxc3 15.Qxd8 Ne2+ 16.Kh2 Rbxd8 17.Rfe1 Nexd4 18.Nxd4 Nxd4 19.exd4 Kf8 with the better ending for Black. However the engines reckon 14.Nxe4!? leaves White slightly better, eg 14...Rxe4 15.Rfc1 with pressure.
13...a6 14.Na4 Qd6 15.Nc5 Nxc5 16.Rxc5 Ne7 17.b4 c6
White has a Minority Attack against Black's Carlsbad pawn-structure
18.Rb1 Rec8 19.a4 f6!? 20.Rc3
If 20.b5? then 20...b6 21.Rcc1 axb5 22.axb5 a5 is good for Black. However the engines prefer 20.Qb3 or 20.Ne1.
20...Qd7 21.b5?!
The engines more-or-less suggest marking time, eg 21.Rc5!?, 21.Nh4 or 21.Rcc1!?
This slightly counterintuitive capture gives Black at least the better part of equality.
Probably better is 22.Rxc8+, eg 22...Nxc8 23.axb5 a5 24.Nd2, with equality, according to the engines.
The engines give Black the upper hand after 22...b6.
23.Rxb7 Rc7 24.R7b4 a5 25.Rb5 Nc6 26.Qa3 Nb4 27.Qxa4 Qc6?!
The game is completely equal after 27...Qe8!?, according to the engines.
28.Ra1 Rca7??
White is a pawn up, but at best slightly better, after 28...Nd3 29.Rxa5 Qxa4 30.Rxa8+ Qxa8 31.Rxa8+ Kf7, according to the engines.
29.Rxb4 Qd6
Or 29...axb4 30.Qxc6 Rxa1+ 31.Kh2, although at least 31...Rb8 gives a hint of counterplay.
The game finished:
30.Rb5 Qd7 31.Nd2 h5 32.Qb3 a4 33.Qxd5+ Qxd5 34.Rxd5 a3 35.Ra2 Rb7 36.Nc4 Rb3 37.Ra5 Rc8 38.Nxa3 Rc1+ 39.Kh2 Rd3 40.Rxh5 Rdd1 41.g4 g6 42.Rc5 1-0

DATE.....EVENT...........................COL..RATING..OPP'S RATING..SCORE..SEASON PERF
24/10/23 London League               B      1870         2102                   =            2102
26/10/23 Central London League  W     1870         2118                    =            2110
21/11/23 Eastman Cup                  W     1882         2118                    =            2113
14/12/23 Central London League  B      1882         2152                    0            2023
10/1/24   London League               B      1884         2130                    0           1964
11/1/24   Central London League   B      1884        2278                    1            2083
25/1/24   Central London League  W      1884        2205                    =            2100
30/1/24   Club Championship         B      1884        1809                    1            2114
1/2/24     Central London League  W      1916        2072                    0            2065
7/2/24     London League               B       1916        2298                    0            2048
8/2/24     Central London League  B       1916        1960                    0            2004
15/2/24   Central London League  B       1916        1951                    =            1999
29/2/24   Central London League  B       1916        2014                    0            1970
5/3/24     Club Championship        W      1910        1990                    1            2000
2/4/24     Club Championship        B       1924        1927                    0            1968
4/4/24     Central London League  B       1924        2123                    =            1978
16/4/24   London League               B       1924        2393                    0            1979
18/4/24   Central London League  B       1924        2329                    0            1976
23/4/24   London League               B       1924        2118                    =            1984
25/4/24   Central London League  W      1924        1997                    0            1964
30/4/24   Club Championship        W      1924        1731                    1            1972
2/5/24     Central London League  W      1913        2074                    0            1956
16/5/24   London League               B       1913       1915                     0            1939
21/5/24   Club Championship         B       1913       1862                     0            1919

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