Friday 17 May 2024

Central London League

PLAYED on board three (of five) for Battersea against HMC 2 in division one last night.

Daniel Mayer (1915) - Spanton (1913)
Spanish Berlin/Open
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.0-0 Nxe4 5.d4 a6!? 6.Ba4 exd4!? 7.Re1 d5 8.Nxd4 Bd6!? 9.Nxc6 Bxh2+ 10.Kh1! Qh4 11.Rxe4! dxe4 12.Qd8+! Qxd8 13.Nxd8 Kxd8 14.Kxh2 Be6 15.c3
For comments on these moves, see last month's London League game
Stockfish16 and Komodo14.1 recommend this (and 15...Kc8!?) over the more common 15...Ke7.
16.Be3 Rf8!?
This may be a novelty. Known moves are 16...g6 and 16...Ke7.
17.Nd2 Rb8?!
This achieves very little, and even sets up a potential knight fork at d7. The engines suggest 17...Rf7 or 17...Kc8!?, albeit giving White the upper hand.
18.Nb3 Bxb3
18...b5 19.Nc5 Rb6 at least makes use of the rook's deployment on the b file.
19.Bg5+ Kc8 20.Bxb3 b6 21.Rd1 h6
Where should the dark-square bishop go?
The engines much prefer 22.Bf4 or 22.Be3.
22...Re8 23.Be6+?!
White should probably just withdraw the dark-square bishop.
23...Kb7 24.Rd7
Black to play with equal chances
Too slow, whereas 24...f4 takes advantage of the awkward positioning of the white rook and bishops. White then may have nothing better than 25.Bd5+ Kc8 26.Be6 Kb7 with a draw by repetition.
25.Bd5+ Kc8 26.Bc6 b5 27.Bf6
The only move for an advantage, but good enough.
27...Rb6 28.Rd6 cxd6 29.Bxe8
Rook and two pawns are no match for the bishop-pair in this ending, especially with the rook not having an open file 
29...d5 30.Bd4 Rd6 31.Bf7 a5 32.Be5 Rb6 33.Bxd5 b4?!
This probably hastens the end.
34.c4 Kd7 35.c5 Rb5 36.c6+ Ke7 37.c7 Rc5 38.Bc7 1-0
HMC 2 won the match 4.5-0.5.

DATE.....EVENT...........................COL..RATING..OPP'S RATING..SCORE..SEASON PERF
24/10/23 London League               B      1870         2102                   =            2102
26/10/23 Central London League  W     1870         2118                    =            2110
21/11/23 Eastman Cup                  W     1882         2118                    =            2113
14/12/23 Central London League  B      1882         2152                    0            2023
10/1/24   London League               B      1884         2130                    0           1964
11/1/24   Central London League   B      1884        2278                    1            2083
25/1/24   Central London League  W      1884        2205                    =            2100
30/1/24   Club Championship         B      1884        1809                    1            2114
1/2/24     Central London League  W      1916        2072                    0            2065
7/2/24     London League               B       1916        2298                    0            2048
8/2/24     Central London League  B       1916        1960                    0            2004
15/2/24   Central London League  B       1916        1951                    =            1999
29/2/24   Central London League  B       1916        2014                    0            1970
5/3/24     Club Championship        W      1910        1990                    1            2000
2/4/24     Club Championship        B       1924        1927                    0            1968
4/4/24     Central London League  B       1924        2123                    =            1978
16/4/24   London League               B       1924        2393                    0            1979
18/4/24   Central London League  B       1924        2329                    0            1976
23/4/24   London League               B       1924        2118                    =            1984
25/4/24   Central London League  W      1924        1997                    0            1964
30/4/24   Club Championship        W      1924        1731                    1            1972
2/5/24     Central London League  W      1913        2074                    0            1956
16/5/24   London League               B       1913       1915                     0            1939

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