Tuesday 28 May 2024

English 65+ Round Six

I WAS upfloated.

Spanton (1913 ECF/1902 Fide) - Alan Punnett (2031 ECF/1963 Fide)
French Exchange
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 exd5 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.h3 Bh5 6.Bd3 Nc6 7.c3 Bd6 8.0-0 Nge7 9.Re1 0-0?
This position is reached four times in ChessBase's 2024 Mega database, but only once was ...
... played (two of the games featured the same player with white, and both times she played 10.Be3).
Even worse is 10...Kxh7? 11.Ng5+ Kg6 (11...Kh6? 12.Ne6+!  Kg6 13.Qd3+ etc) 12.g4.
11.Bc2 f6 12.g4?!
It is probably not a good idea to weaken the king's position like this, even if it does lead to exchanges.
12...Bg6 13.Nh4 Bxc2 14.Qxc2 Qd7 15.Nd2 g5 16.Ng6+ Nxg6 17.Qxg6 Qg7!? 18.Qxg7+ Kxg7
White is a pawn up, but behind in development, and has weaknesses around the king
Stockfish16 and Komodo14.1 reckon White's advantage is worth about three-quarters of a pawn.
19.Nf1 Rh8 20.Kg2 Ne7 21.Ng3 Kf7
Probably not 21...Bxg3?! 22.Rxe7+.
22.Bd2 Ng6 23.Nf5 Bf4 24.Be3 Rae8 25.Rh1 Re6 26.Rae1 Rhe8 27.Kf3 Rh8?!
This takes pressure off the white position. The engines recommend 27...Re4, eg 28.h4 Nxh4+ 29.Nxh4 gxh4 30.Rxh4 Kg6, after which White is awkwardly tied down on the e file.
28.Bxf4 Nxf4 29.Rxe6 Nxe6 30.h4 gxh4 31.Rxh4 Ng5+ 32.Ke2 Re8+ 33.Ne3 Ke6 34.f4 Ne4 35.Rh7 Kd6 36.Rh6 Kd7 37.Rh2
Played so the white king can go to d3 without being checked from f2.
This is the top choice of the engines, at least for a while, although Stockfish16 comes to prefer 37...Nd6.
38.Kd3 Kd6 39.b3 a5 40.c4 bxc4+
The engines suggest seeking counterplay with 40...dxc4+ 41.bxc4 b4!?, albeit agreeing White is winning.
41.bxc4 c6 42.Nf5+ Kc7 43.c5 Rg8 44.Ne3 Rg7 45.Ke2 Nc3+ 46.Kf3 Nb5 47.Nf5 Rf7 48.Ke3 a4 49.Kd3 Kb7 50.Re2 Rf8 51.Re6 Rg8
If 51...Rf7, then 52.Nd6+ Nxd6 53.cxd6 wins quickly.
52.Rxc6! 1-0

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