Saturday 8 August 2020

Prague Old Town

WALKED towards the city this morning and was pleased to find Prague's old town is only 30 minutes away, and there are some interesting sights before you get there.

Naturally the architecture becomes more impressive, or at least more substantial, on entering the old town, and I was also able to meet 'Tom Hanks' and, while enjoying a coffee in the sunshine, two mounted police.

I continued in a straight line, to make it easier to retrace my steps, and was rewarded by coming to the Vltava river exactly where it is crossed by the Charles Bridge, approaching it from arguably the more interesting side. But whichever way you cross the bridge, the views from it are great.

I did not go far on the other side, partly because I stopped for another coffee and got talking to a Chinese girl who is studying in the Netherlands and had taken a three-day break to visit Prague. But even so it is possible to think one has quickly reached the countryside or at least a small-ish town.

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