FACED a German this afternoon in round eight of Summer Prague U2000.
Lukas Hochscheidt (1754) - Spanton (1831)
1.d4 d5 2.Bg5
The game starts as a Pseudo-Trompowsky ...
... quickly turns into a regular Trompowsky ...
... and finally becomes a Veresov.
3...Nbd7 4.f3 h6 5.Bh4 e6
The main alternatives, 5...c5 and 5...c6, are preferred by the analysis engines Stockfish11 and Komodo11.01.
6.e4 Be7 7.Nh3?!
This runs into a tactical shot, which costs White a pawn for what seems insufficient compensation. The main line runs 7.e5 Ng8 8.Bf2, as first played in Tartakower - Yates, Carlsbad 1923, which was drawn in 40 moves.
This idea was missed, or at least not played, by a 2221 in the only game to reach this position in ChessBase's 2020 Mega database.
8.Bxe7 Nxc3 9.Bxd8 Nxd1 10.Bxc7 Nxb2 11.a4?!
The knight will not be trapped, and the white a pawn becomes a target for Black's pieces, so 11.Rb1 was probably better.
11...Nb6 12.Kd2?
LH explained after the game he missed that the a4 pawn can be captured. White had to play 12.a5, when after 12...N6c4 White has the bishop-pair and better coordination.
12...N2xa4 13.Bb5+ Bd7 14.Rhb1 Bxb5+ 15.Rxb5 Kd7
Not 15...Nc4+ 16.Kc1 Nab6?? as it loses a piece to 17.Bxb6 etc.
16.Bxb6 Nxb6 17.Kd3 Rhc8 18.Rba5 a6 19.Nf4 g6 20.Ne2 Rc6 21.Nc1 Rac8 22.R1a2 Rc3+ 23.Kd2 Nc4
The engines are not keen on this, but I felt exchanging a pair of rooks made it easier to mobilise Black's queenside pawns.
24.Kxc3 Nxa5+ 25.Kd3 b6 26.Ne2 Kc7 27.Nc3 Nc6 28.Rb2
28.Rxa6?? Nb4+.
28...b5 29.Rb1 Ra8 30.f4 h5 31.h3 Rb8 32.g3 Rb6?!
This lets White open and occupy a file on the kingside, after which Black is still winning but the danger of falling to a trick increases.
33.g4 hxg4 34.hxg4 Rb8 35.Rh1 Kb6 36.Rh7 Rb7
The engines prefer the passive 36...Rf8!? followed by pushing the queenside pawns.
37.f5 gxf5 38.gxf5 Rc7 39.Rh6 Nb4 40.Kd2 Rc6 41.Rh8 Ka5 42.Rf8 Nxc2! 43.Kxc2 b4 44.Rxf7 Rxc3+ 45.Kb2 exf5!?
Eliminating the dangerous f pawn seems best.
After ...
46.Rxf5 Ka4 47.Rxd5
... White is only one pawn down, but is completely lost.
47...Rc4 48.Rd8 b3 49.d5 Rc2+ 50.Kb1 a5 51.d6 Rd2 52.d7 Ka3 53.Kc1 Rd5
Also winning is 53...b2+ 54.Kxd2 b1=Q.
54.Ra8 b2+ 55.Kc2 Rc5+ 56.Kd2 b1=Q 57.d8=Q Qa2+ 58.Ke3 Qe6+ 0-1
I begin this blog after getting back into league chess following many years' absence due to work. My post-job status also means I am able to play more tournament chess. My new club in London is Battersea and my first game for them is on Thursday September 14, 2017. I start with a Fide rating of 1858, an ECF grade of 169 (=1968 elo) and an ICCF correspondence rating of 2267. My current Fide is 1946, my ECF is 1958 and my ICCF is 2320.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Summer Prague Round Eight
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