Thursday 27 June 2024

Main Source

FROM the top of the Ochsenkopf it is possible to join the Main hiking trail, which passes the spring that is the source of the White Main, which in turn is the source of the Main.
The source proved a good spot for lunch
Eighteen years ago I walked from London to Frankfurt, my route taking me along the Rhine until it was joined by the Main at Mainz.
From Mainz I followed the Main up to Frankfurt, so now I can say I have been to the final destination and the source of one of Europe's most famous rivers (although I have not seen much in-between).
This early section of the Main walk is another Bischofsgrün-area trail with strange granite-rock formations

The White Main is red for much of its early journey

At times it seems as if blood is flowing

The contrast between sun and shade makes for even more-vivid colouring

But civilisation is never far away

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