Spanton (1881/168) - Boris Stoyanov (1592/146)
Northumbira Challengers Round 7
Tiviakov Scandinavian
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 g6
Most popular are 5...a6 and 5...c6, but the text has been played by Kramnik and Caruana, and is a favourite of Tiviakov's.
The mainline in ChessBase's 2019 Mega database runs 6.Nb5 (this is why Black usually plays 5...a6 or 5...c6) Qb6 7.c4 c6 8.Nc3 Bg7, when my main analysis engines, Stockfish10 and Komodo10, much prefer White. Nevertheless, Kramnik and Tiviakov are among strong players who have tried this line as Black.
6...a6 7.Ne5!?
This may be new at this point, although we have transposed to a known position.
I expected 7...Be6, when I was leaning towards 8.Bxe6 Qxe6 9.0-0, with Re1 to come, but 8.Qf3!? also looks good.
I rejected 8.Bf4 because of 8...Nh5, missing that 9.Ne4 is strong. However, the text is also good.
This natural-looking move is almost certainly a mistake, which suggests Black's whole set-up is dodgy. Better was 8...Nbd7, and if, as in the game, 9.Qf3, Black can grab a pawn with 9...Qxd4, although White has plenty of compensation. After 8...Nbd7, the engines prefer 9.0-0, with a clear edge for White.
9.Qf3 Nbd7 10.Ne4 Qb4+?
Better was 10...Qxd4, but the forced line 11.Bxf6 Nxe5 12.Qf4 leaves White a pawn up and with a continuing attack.
11.c3 Nxe5
Or 11...Qxb2 12.0-0 with a huge attack.
12.Nxf6+ Kf8 13.dxe5 Qxc4
Black played 13...Bxf6 and resigned without waiting for White's reply in Davide di Trapiani (2090) - Sergio Garofalo (1826), Modena Championship 2012.
14.0-0-0 Ke7
Or 14...Qxa2 15.Rd8+ Ke7 16.Nd5#
15.Ng8+ 1-0
I begin this blog after getting back into league chess following many years' absence due to work. My post-job status also means I am able to play more tournament chess. My new club in London is Battersea and my first game for them is on Thursday September 14, 2017. I start with a Fide rating of 1858, an ECF grade of 169 (=1968 elo) and an ICCF correspondence rating of 2267. My current Fide is 1946, my ECF is 1958 and my ICCF is 2320.
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