Monday 12 August 2019

White To Play And Draw (Possibly)

WAS on the back foot for most of the game today in round four of the Olomouc seniors.
But as the time control approached, I managed to gradually improve my position, while still being under pressure.
White to make his 36th move in Spanton (1881) - Ladislav Galvanek (1971)
This allows a winning combination.
Correct was the more-or-less forcing line 36.Rxd6 Qxd6 37.Ne2 Qd3 38.Qxd3 Rxd3 39.Nxf4 exf4 40.Ne5 Rxb3 41.Nxc6 bxc6 42.Rxf4, when material is level, but Black has a dangerous farside passed pawn. The analysis engines Komodo9 and Stcokfish10 reckon Black is at least half-a-pawn better, but there is a lot of play left in the position.
36...Bxe4! 37.Qxe4 Rxd1 38.Rxd1 Rxd1+ 39.Nfg1 Qc5 40.b4 Qe3 0-1

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