Saturday 17 August 2024

Olomouc Round Nine

FACED an international master on top board.

Zdeněk Beil (2185) - Spanton (1980)
1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 Nf6 4.g3 Bb4+ 5.Bd2 Be7 6.Qc2!?
Much more popular is 6.Bg2, but the lines often transpose.
6...0-0 7.Bg2 Nbd7 8.0-0 c6 9.a4!?
The main move in ChessBase's 2024 Mega database is 9.Bf4, returning the tempo Black lost by playing the king's bishop to b4 and then to e7. The text was chosen by Magnus Carlsen when he reached this position, for the only time in Mega24, in 2016. Grandmaster Mihail Marin called it "a highly original and virtually unexplored plan, typical for Carlsen." He added: "The structure resulting after Black's natural answer is supposed to be completely inoffensive, but Magnus had his own views about it."
What should Black play?
Marin was referring to 9...a5, which is the top choice of Stockfish16.1 and Dragon1, but they are OK with the text, which is their second choice.
This was Carlsen's reply to 9...a5.
10...Ba6 11.b3 dxc4 12.bxc4 c5 13.a5 Bb7 14.e3 Qc7 15.Nc3 Rfc8?!
This leaves Black's light-square bishop dangerously short of squares.
Missing a chance to seemingly put Black in big trouble after 16.a6 Bc6 (16...Bxf3 is even worse, according to the engines, eg 17.Bxf3 Rab8?! 18.Nb5 Qd8 19.Nxa7) 17.d5! exd5 18.cxd5 Nxd5 19.Nd4. The same position is also reached by 16.d5! cxd5 17.a6 Bc6 18.cxd5 Nxd5 (or 18...Bxd5 19.Nxd5 Nxd5 20.e4 N5f6 21.e5!? Nxe5 22.Nxe5 Qxe5 23.Re1 Qc7 24.Rad1 with a huge initiative) 19.Nd4. The lines are sharp, but strongly favour White, according to the engines.
The engines suggest 16...bxa5!?, but prefer White.
Even stronger is 17.a6 Bc6 18.Rd1!?, according to the engines.
17...exd5 18.Nxd5!?
Perhaps 18.cxd5 is better.
18...Nxd5 19.a6!?
Black has at least a slight edge after 19.cxd5 Nf6.
19...Bxa6 20.Rxa6
The engines prefer 20.cxd5!?
Definitely better is 20...Nb4, and then 21...a5.
21.Ra2 a5
After the dust has somewhat settled, how would you assess the position?
Black is a pawn up, but White has the bishop-pair and strong pressure against the black queenside. The engines give White the upper hand.
22.Bc3 Bf6 23.Rd1 Bxc3?!
After 23...Qe7 24.Rad2 Nf8 Black seems to be holding on.
24.Qxc3 Qf6?!
Again the engines prefer ...Qe7.
25.Qxf6 Nxf6 26.Ne5
Black does not seem to have a defence to White's threats
26...Rd8 27.Rb1!? Ra6!? 28.Bb7 Rda8!? 29.Rab2!? a4!?
White to play and win
This turns a winning position into a losing one. Capturing either rook is strong, eg 30.Bxa8 Nxa8 31.Ra2 Nc7 32.Rba1 b5 33.cxb5 Nxb5 34.Rxa4 etc.
30...Rxb6 31.Rxb6 a3 32.Bxa8
Or 32.Rb1 Rb8 etc.
32...a2 33.Rb8+ Nce8 34.Nd7 a1=Q+ 35.Kg2 g6??
Missing that after 35...Nxd7 36.Rxe8+ Black has 36...Nf8.
36.Nf6+ Qxf6 37.Rxe8+ Kg7
How would you assess this ending?
White has rook, bishop and pawn for a queen, with no weaknesses and a safe king. Dragon1 calls the game completely equal, but Stockfish16.1 gives White a slight edge, and it is certainly easier for White to play.
38.Bd5 Qd6
An only-move - otherwise White plays Rb8 and wins the f7 pawn.
39.e4 g5 40.e5 Qc7 41.e6 fxe6 42.Rxe6 h6 43.Re4
Perhaps 43.Be4!? is trickier to meet, eg 43...h5?, tyring to set a trap, rebounds after 44.Rg6+ Kf8 45.Rxg5 Qe7 46.Rf5+ etc. Instead 43...Qf7 apparently holds.
43...Qd6 44.h4!? gxh4 45.Rxh4 Qf6 46.Re4 Qb2 47.Re6 Qc3 48.Rc6 Qd4 49.Ra6 Qd1 50.Ra2 Qd4 51.Ra8 Qc3 52.f3!?
A last try.
52...Qc2+ 53.Kh3 Qf5+ 54.g4 Qb1 55.Kg3 Qg1+ 56.Kf4 Qd4+ ½–½


  1. Interesting fluctuating game and a very good overall result for you.

  2. Congratulations Tim, a fantastic overall performance.


  3. Thanks, guys, it's been quite a tiring tournament. I had several winning positions that I failed to convert, but then so did my opponents!

  4. Congratulations Tim. I admire your stubbornness in the last two rounds. Tom Wiley

    1. Ha! That's a polite way of putting it. Thank you!
