Friday, 22 December 2023

Benidorm Lessons: Analyse, Analyse, Analyse!

HOW should White proceed in the following round-seven game?
Black has just played 25...Nc5-e6
It is not possible to play a decent game of chess without knowing general principles, or 'rules', such as rooks belong behind passed pawns, castle early in open positions, a knight on the rim is dim, etc.
Such rules guide us as to what to look for - without them we would be randomly searching for moves in the style of very early, and very weak, engines.
But rules can also make us lazy, and such was the case in this game when I played 26.Nxh5?
What could be better? At one stroke I give Black three isolated pawns, two of which are doubled, and I give myself bishop-v-knight on a relatively open board.
But after 26...gxh5 White cannot save the h4 pawn#, and I faced a tough struggle to save the game.
LESSON: rules are helpful, but should be thought of as aide-memoires rather than must-dos. Nothing beats concrete analysis.


  1. That bishop is going nowhere improve your King , fix the pawn structure . create weakness , then maybe Nxh5

    1. Absolutely! All it needed was a calm head and a little bit of logical thinking.
