Monday, 4 December 2023

Normal Service Will Be Resumed

RETURNING to my hotel after watching football last night, I misjudged the height of a kerb and fell into the road.
Luckily there was no traffic about, but I lost much of a front tooth and I badly sprained my left hand.
I woke at about 04:30 and, because of swelling and discomfort, I went to hospital, where X-rays showed no break, but my left arm will be out of action for 72 hours.
It could have been worse


  1. Take care, but why does the photo appear to show a bandaged right hand?

    1. Good point - it's because it's a selfie, which reverses the image!

    2. The clue is that the writing on the t-shirt is back-to-front (although I suppose you could have been wearing the t-shirt inside-out and I can't work out what a selfie of an inside-out t-shirt would look like).

      There are sites such as that will flip reversed images for you.

    3. I didn't know about flipping reversed images - that could be useful.

  2. A bit nasty that Tim..recover well but it won’t stop your chess if I know you !
