Friday 5 July 2024

Bad Herrenalb Round One

Gerhard Gerlach (1575 - national rating) - Spanton (1928)
1.c4 e6 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 Nf6 4.Nf3 d4!?
The mainline in ChessBase's 2024 Mega database runs 4...Be7 5.0-0 0-0 6.b3 c5 7.Bb2 Nc6 8.e3 b6, with an equal position according to Stockfish16.1 and Dragon1.
5.0-0 Nc6
Much more popular is 5...c5.
6.d3 e5!?
This has been played by grandmasters, but developing with 6...Bc5 may be better.
How can White try to exploit Black's last move?
The engines like 7.b4!?, eg 7...Bxb4 8.Nxe5! Nxe5 9.Qa4+, when the commonest continuation, 9...Nc6, is met by 10.Bxc6+ bxc6 11.Qxb4, which the engines reckon leaves White with the upper hand.
7...a5 8.Bg5!? h6
This rather obvious move seems to be a novelty. All four games to reach the position in Mega24 featured 8...Be7.
9.Bxf6 Qxf6 10.Nbd2 Be7
The game has transposed to a position occurring three times in Mega24, but with Black to move - nevertheless the engines reckon that even in this game Black has an edge
11.Ne4 Qg6 12.h3 0-0 13.Qc2
Not 13.Qd2?? f5.
13...Bd7 14.c5!?
The engines like this, the point being White must get moving on the queenside as otherwise Black will decide the game in the centre/kingside.
14...a4 15.Ned2 Ra5 16.b4 axb3 17.Nxb3 Ra7
Not 17...Rb5?? 18.Qc4.
18.Rfb1 Rfa8 19.Qc1 Be6 20.Nfd2 Bg5?!
Probably better is 20...Qh5 21.g4 Qg6, with ...h5 to come.
21.h4 Be7
21...Bxh4?! almost certainly expects too much from the position.
The engines reckon this is much too slow, preferring 22.Nc4, claiming Black is only slightly better.
22...f5 23.Nc4 e4 24.dxe4 fxe4 25.Qf4??
This drops a piece, although the engines reckon Black anyway has a positionally won game, eg 25.Nbd2 Qf7 26.Qc2 Rd8 27.Nb2 d3 28.exd3 Qxf2 29.Rf1 Qxc5 30.Qxc5 Bxc5 31.Bxe4 Ne5, after which White cannot defend both his king and the a pawn.
The game finished:
26.Bxe4 Qf6 27.Qxf6 Bxf6 28.Bxc6 bxc6 0-1

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